A Brief History of Weapons Along Human Evolution

A Brief History of Weapons Along Human Evolution 


Human bodies weren't as strong as other wildlife, which had claws, sharp teeth, and speed; but, unlike us, they didn’t have the gift of intelligence and endurance. So, we made weapons to defend and survive and tools to make life easier. All these tools and weapons helped our survival be a bit easier

Late Miocene Era: The First Ancestor

The name Dryopithecus comes from the Ancient Greek word “drus” which means "oak tree", and “pithekos” which means. “ape". These were in the category of hominids, and Dryopithecus were our oldest ancestors (also ancestors of the great apes) and lived around 12 million years ago. 

It is unlikely that they used any tools or weapons. They relied on their physical abilities to do various tasks. They had physical features similar to those of the apes today.

They had large molars and were probably herbivores. They had large eye sockets and a notable brow ridge.

They had long arms, but prominently short legs. They had flexible shoulder joints, which helped them, climb and swing freely             

The Pliocene Era: Ramapithecus

The Ramapithecus was the second in the race of human evolution. They may have used simple tools like a random stick to knock the prey out, and a sharp piece of stone to open it up for various resources. But, this is just a hypothesis, and they, too, may have relied entirely on their physical abilities. 

The Ramapithecus had vertically planted canines and incisors, they also had strong molars for chewing hard food.

The Great Ice Age or The Quaternary Era: Australopithecus

They used stone pieces as tools. They probably didn’t use weapons but may have used sticks and stone tips to protect themselves. 

They could walk on two legs (bipedalism), unlike their older ancestors.

Early Paleolithic Era or Old Stone Age: Homo Habilis

These were the first Homo Sapiens (Humans). Sapiens means ‘wise’ while homo means ‘man’.

This hominid species is also known as ‘handyman’. Stone tools were found near their fossils, which probably means they were able to modify stone into tools. It is believed that they used stone tools for daily work and as weapons, too. 

They primarily used two types of stone tools - flakes and choppers. Uhhh, breakfast cereal?

1.) Flakes: Sharp pieces of stone that were used for scraping.

2.) Choppers: Large heavy tools used for chopping.

The stone tools used by Homo Habilis were made by striking two rocks together to make sharp flakes. This process is called “percussion flaking”. Homo Habilis had longer legs and shorter arms than their ancestors. 

The tools made by homo habilis were a big leap for us, which helped our weapons evolve better and better.

These were the first to make stone tools, called ‘Oldowan’ tools

Mid Paleolithic Era or Old Stone Age: Homo Erectus

Homo erectus are thought to be the ones who discovered fire. They accidentally burned down their cave a few times before getting the hang of it. They were advanced at making tools and weapons. They made various tools like: 

1.) Stone Axes - For cutting wood to make more tools and weapons to hunt as well as for butchering.

2.) Spears – These were used for hunting. These were made by attaching a pointed stone at the end of a wooden stick from a tree vine or seaweed.

3.) Knives – Homo erectus made knives out of (usually) flint. They used these for cutting leather and hide, preparing meals from plant products, and rarely, self-defence.

4.) Fire - While the fire is not meant to be a weapon, they made torches out of it at night to keep away predators

5.) Cleavers- these were larger than axes and were used for hunting, butchering, and self-defence.

6.) Atlatls- this is a kind of spear thrower. It has more accuracy than throwing it manually. They probably used these to kill larger prey like mammoths.

They also made Acheulean tools which were used for butchering, cutting wood and plant products, and also for digging. 

Early humans probably had a lot of arguments over whose bow and arrow was better, just like modern-day gamers arguing over their virtual weapons, we aren’t so different after all, Grandpa.

Late Paleolithic Era or Old Stone Age: Homo Neanderthalensis

These are our closest extinct relatives. They were probably the first to use sticky materials for weapons. They didn’t have many projectile weapons, which Homo erectus did. They were probably the first to use bone tools.

Neanderthals were skilled fighters. They made and used tools like:

1.) Kielmessers: These were used to make sharpened edges. This was done by flaking off shards of stone.

2.) Thrusting spears: They made spears with wider tips for hunting animals in closer range

3.) Knives & scrapers: These were used for preparing animal hide

4.) Mousterian tools: These were used as scrapers, saws, and weapons.

5.) Spears & Javelins: They used these for taking down bigger prey from a distance.

Neolithic Era or New Stone Age: Homo Sapiens Sapiens 

Homo sapiens sapiens is the scientific name for modern humans. They evolved around 300,000 years ago and are the only surviving species of hominids.

They are characterized by their large brains, high intelligence, and advanced culture, which includes the use of complex tools and weapons. Homo sapiens have dominated the planet due to their unique abilities to innovate and adapt to their environment.

Prehistoric Homo Sapiens sapiens made a variety of tools and weapons to help them survive. A few important ones are:

1.) Animal skins: They used these for clothing materials, footwear, and beds.

2.) Stone and Bone tools: They made scrapes, axes, cleavers, fish hooks, etc. from stone and bone.

3.) Wooden tools: Wood was important for making spears, bows & arrows, and torches. 

They also used these for digging.

4.) Wooden Clubs: These were made from wood or bones, for close combat.

5.) Slings: These were used to throw stones at the enemy.

While weapons were an important factor of survival among the predators, tools were useful to access food & shelter and to make various other tools & weapons. Tools and weapons allowed them to hunt and work more efficiently and make things work better and faster without much effort. All our ancestors used these things for a more efficient life. 

Ancient History

Ancient weapons refer to various weapons that we used for warfare, hunting, and personal protection. Some of these weapons are:

1.) Melee weapons: These weapons were designed for close combat. Like swords, axes, maces, and clubs.

2.) Ranged weapons: These were weapons used to attack from a distance. These include bows & arrows, spears, and slings.

3.) Siege weapons: These are weapons used to defend forts and other important buildings. Some of these are catapults, battering rams, and siege towers

4.) Firearm: Some weapons use gunpowder to throw a projectile bullet, such as missiles, rifles, and pistols.

Today many of these weapons are still admired for their craftsmanship and historical significance. 

These weapons have had a significant effect on us and have caused widespread destruction which makes it important to ensure that these weapons are used carefully.


All the weapons & tools being used by us have and always will play an important role in shaping our future, and if these weren’t made long ago, this article would probably not have been written. 

Throughout human evolution, the development and use of tools and weapons played a crucial role in the survival and advancement of different species of hominids. The earliest tool using hominids, such as Australopithecus and Homo habilis, used simple tools made from stone to perform tasks like cutting and scraping. 

As hominids evolved, their tools and weapons became more sophisticated, allowing them to hunt, defend themselves, and create more complex societies. The development of metalworking allowed for the creation of advanced weapons such as swords, guns, and explosives, which have had a profound impact on human history. Overall, using tools and weapons has shaped human evolution and the course of history.


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